The new COVD-19 hinders travel from the UK to Denmark amid fears of stress

Britain has banned visitors to Denmark following fresh warnings that the mutated strain of coronavirus linked to minks could jeopardize the success of imminent vaccines.

The UK Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, said: “Visitors to the UK from Denmark will not be allowed to enter the UK. Announced on Twitter After the end of Friday, Denmark said it would cut 17 million mixes in an attempt to eradicate the new strain of infection.

The UK government said: “The decision to act quickly comes after health officials in Denmark reported more widespread outbreaks of coronavirus (Covid-19) in mink farms, with some local communities spreading the virus with different strains.” Its website.

Britain returning from Denmark will also have to separate, as has anyone who has traveled there in the last two weeks.

There have been 214 human cases of Covid-19 reported in Denmark, including one involving Mink, some possibly called “cluster 5 variants” taking in a new clinic.

The Prime Minister of Denmark, Matt Frederickson, has warned that according to the UK paper, “the mutated virus carries the risk that the future vaccine will not work accordingly.”

“The worst case scenario is a new epidemic, this time starting in Denmark,” Kare Kare Molbeck, a leading epidemiologist at Denmark’s State Serum Institute for Infectious Diseases, told the paper.

“The risk is that this mutated virus is so different from others that we have to vaccinate new things and so [the mutation] “Initially the whole world will slam us all,” Molbeck told the Guardian earlier.
