The moon may have many more lunar craters than previously known

Using artificial intelligence, Chinese scientists estimate that there are more than 100,000 craters on the moon, according to a study published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications. This is more than the 9,137 officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union and has been largely self-detected using elevation information and images, the study says.

Scientists, formerly known as ters, 895. And cra of debt craters, .95. Using the data from, Deepa was able to apply machine learning to train neural networks. The network identifies 109,956 new craters – Changi 1 and Changi 2 – with data from China’s first and second lunar orbits. Two unmanned spacecraft were launched in 2007 and 2010, respectively.

Using artificial intelligence, Chinese scientists have identified unrecognized lunar crates on the lunar surface more than 109,000 years ago.  The moon is shown here, as seen from Buenos Aires on December 21st.

“Effect craters (are) the most diagnostic features of the lunar surface. They are in contrast to the Earth’s surface. It is very difficult to trace the Earth’s history of being affected by asteroids and comets in the last 4 billion years,” the study author said Key Yang of the Moon and Deep Space Exploration at Jilin University’s College Lage Earth of Earth Sciences and Chen Yang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

“Earth and the moon have been struck by equally effective populations over time, but large lunar craters have experienced limited degradation for billions of years. Therefore, lunar influence pits can detect the Earth’s evolution.”

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The craters on the moon lack water, atmosphere, and tectonic plate activity – the three forces that weaken the Earth’s surface, meaning that all but the latest meteor effects are not visible.

On the moon, however, no pit goes anywhere. The dusty footsteps of astronauts walking on the moon during the Apollo mission are still there today.
According to the Lunar Planetary Organization, about 80% of the Earth’s surface is less than 200 million years old, while 99% of the Moon’s surface is more than a billion billion years old. The age of a large pit can also be determined by calculating how many small pits are found inside it.

Mohamed Ali-Dibe at the Institute for Research on Exoplanets at the University of Montreal said the latest study is not the first to deploy machine learning to find lunar craters.

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He was part of a team at the University of Toronto Scarborough that used data from a laser altimeter, a device that used satellite orbiting satellites to map slits instead of the optical images used by the Chinese team. UT The team previously identified 6,000 previously unknown craters on the moon during research published in 2018.

“Machine learning can be used to find pits on the moon,” he said via email. Craters is the “window into the dynamic history of the solar system.

When the unmanned Change-5 mission returned to Earth in mid-December with samples of the country’s first moon, China became the third third country in the world to successfully collect rocks from the moon.
