The manager of the world’s largest crypto fund has said that Bitcoin is the next step in the evolution of money – and ‘I can’t use it to buy coffee’ is no longer a valid argument. Currency News | Financial and business news

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  • “Bitcoin is not the Fed that will go away,” said Michael Sonensen, managing director of Grayscale Investments.
  • “Investors understand that ‘buying Bitcoin and putting it in their portfolio is a collection of value, an inflation hedge, a digital gold, a digital form of money,” Sonensen told Business Insider.
  • Investors should not stop at the fact that there are only 21 million bitcoins that ever existed, as each coin contains 100 million units.
  • Investors prefer the fact that they can buy a fraction of a coin and add to their position over time, the crypto asset manager said.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

According to Michael Sonnashen, managing director of Grayscale Investments, the largest asset manager of digital currencies, Bitcoin is not a favorite, and it is not a valid argument that one cannot use it to buy a cup of coffee.

The growing involvement of big players in the financial services sector “really speaks to the enduring power of the asset class and recognizes the involvement of others,” he told Business Insider in an interview.

Sonsen, whose firm monitors cryptocurrencies worth about અ 11 billion, said the global epidemic this year was the second key to bitcoin investments. Grayscale saw investors allocate digital tokens into their portfolios this year with different motivations and appetites.

“Investors are no longer turning to the idea that we are not using bitcoin to buy a cup of coffee, it has failed as a currency,” Sonensen said.

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“I think they understand today that buying Bitcoin and putting it in their portfolio means storage of value, inflation hedge, digital gold, a digital form of money that is more appropriate for the digital world we live in today. stores Historical stores that would certainly have been more applicable in a world characterized by physical exchange. They see it as one of the most important steps in the evolution of money and store value. ”

After the epidemic brought money markets to the grinding hole earlier this year, the demonstration of Bitcoin’s steady strength and resilience showed it was one of the best return investments, he said.

For skeptics questioning the validity of tokens in traditional financial institutions, he said: “Bitcoin was born outside the traditional financial services sector, it was not born in an arena where its stock was to be traded in the market or it was going to be. . “

Sonenshen thinks people shouldn’t stop because there are only 21 million bitcoins that will ever be in circulation.

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Each coin is divided into eight decimal places, meaning that there are 100 million units inside each bitcoin. That asset facility is one of the investors because they can buy only a fraction of a coin and add overtime to their position, Sonenshen said.

“When you think about how many millionaires or billionaires or the global population, there are 21 million times more bitcoins than 100 million units inside each bitcoin.” “There’s a possibility for anyone who wants to be able to own some piece of the Bitcoin protocol.”

The world’s most popular cryptocurrency has had a wild ride this year. It has grown 117% so far in 2020, and this week has moved above ઉપર 18,000.

Its prices began to rise further in October after it was announced by PayPal, allowing its users to buy, sell and hold tokens. Jack Dorsey’s payment company Square invested about B,000 in Bitcoins in October, US tech company Microstrategy bought 1,7966 coins, and the UK’s startup mode also joined the fray. Crypto Bull says it’s only a matter of time before it is widely adopted.

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