The List Protocol wants this to be the most terrifying next-gen horror game ever.

Glenn Shaw Field Again, space wants to be scary. Twelve years after the creation of Dead Space, Schofield has returned to the world of scientific horror with its new studio Striking Distance, which just announced its survival-horror game, Prot Listo Protocol. Talked. Learn more about the project. And one thing is clear, Schofield’s first and foremost goal with the game is to scare you.

“I’m trying to make the most awesome game on next-gen platforms [and PC], ”Says Schofield. “From what I hear – it’s hard to be creative and talk about it nicely – but from what I hear [Dead Space] Was one of the awesome games [its generation] And I want to do the same on General, or now considered J-Jane. “Striking distances have creepy roots. After co-directing several Call of Duty games, including Black Ps, Modern Warfare 3, and Advanced Warfare, Schofield founded in 2019. Striking Distance was created under PUBG

Corp, Battle Royale Hit Player is best known for its unknown background. PUBG prepared to expand the universe by creating a new storytelling experience within it after the striking distance.

And the list list protocol is the same. According to Schofield, P.U.B.G. The narrative is a big joint effort to get out of the universe, and the call list protocol is set up in that universe, but whenever PUBG. 30,000 years after it was set up.

“The funny thing is, I came up with this story when I first went with PUBG people and started talking about it. [The Callisto Protocol] And building a studio. I presented this game to them, and so what we did was we fit it into the PUBG storyline. “

But don’t let the PUBG connection mislead you. Shaw Field says the Call Listo protocol is not a royal game of war, but a full, third-person survival horror game.

Asked about the third-person horror-style appeal, Schofield said, “You want to see your character and you want to see him put in danger.” “You want to see yourself and what happens to you in the meantime … when you take blood on your suit.”Scofield is particularly passionate about how next-gen, or rather current-gen, technology and the Callisto protocol will take full advantage of the latest technological and development innovations.

It highlights innovations in lighting and sound, and how developers can take advantage of all sorts of new lighting technologies and 3D audio dio to create a new level of immersion.

“Your clothes make noise and things like that when your hands are moving around the cloth on your chest while the player is walking. And so we’re getting all that noise. The sound of the wind blowing a little out of your hair. It’s crazy.”

Probably a striking distance team is also working to integrate Heptics for controllers like D Dual Sense. But Shofield is highlighted when they talk about visuals. “You got to see the graphics, the graphics are just awesome now,” Schofield tells IGN.

“We stay in great detail, it slows us down on production, you know what I mean? … We can get so much detail now and fit those graphics on the screen and it will take more time to create. “

Schofield has yet to share more about the project, but immersion is a key pillar of its development.

“We are trying to make you feel like you are in this world. Yet you have escaped from this prison and you have to escape from these imaginary horrors. “

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“The more immersed you are, the more you want to know about the story, the more we want to know about the little hints. You’re like, ‘Heck what’s that? What is this secret? ‘

If immersion comes through advances in visuals and audio dio, there will be another draw story for players of the Call List protocol, being handled by a dedicated writing team working to create a deeper story.

“All I can say is … my goal and the team’s goal now is to make the most terrible game on the next-gen platform. So if you want to play the same, that’s what we’re bringing. “

Check out the full replay of all of IGN’s announcements and come out of this year’s game awards.

Matt TM Kim is a reporter for IGN.