The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki has a scene using Falcom’s new engine

The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki

Chinese website A9VG recently interviewed Falcom President Toshihiro Kondo, who is discussing the company’s new engine currently in development and a few other topics.

Here are some important treats:

– Are there any plans to remake The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, Zero no Kiseki, as Ao no Kiseki in the Hajimari no Kiseki engine?

Condo:Hajimari no Kiseki will be our last title that the Trails of cold steel game engine (the Sony-made PhyreEngine). The following Trails will use a new engine. The new game engine [developed internally by Falcom] has far superior visual performance than the previous one. There is a possibility that we will remake previous titles in the future, and I would like to use the new engine if we do.

“It has been about two years since the development of the new engine began after the release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV. Two years ago we did not have any information about PlayStation 5 from Sony Interactive Entertainment, so the new engine was developed based on PlayStation 4. We hope to release games that were developed on the new engine for PlayStation 5, and are also from plan for an update after launch for Hajimari no Kiseki to support PlayStation 5.. ”

– There are plans to release more spin-off titles as well Ys vs. Trails in the Sky of Nayuta no Kiseki?

Condo: “We have received requests for spin-off titles such as Ys vs. Trails in the Sky of players for a while, but we are currently moving to a new engine, which has not given us the flexibility to make other titles. We can consider it to the next Trails is complete and the new engine is stable. When the staff is ready and the player’s question is there when the time comes, we can start working on something. ”

– Are there plans to release The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki on other platforms like Switch or Steam?

Condo: “It is only being developed for PlayStation 4, there are currently no plans to release on other platforms. Hopefully there will be an opportunity in the future.”

—In an interview earlier this year, you said you were preparing for the PS5 game development and hope to give you a screenshot of the new game engine within a year. Is there more you can say about your next game and new engine?

Condo: “It simply came to our notice then Hajimari no Kiseki that was made with the new engine, so I hope you can find it. ”

The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki is off on PlayStation 4 on August 27 in Japan. Read more about the game here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Thanks, Talk about games.