‘The Late Show’ has surprising sympathies from Stephen Colbert to Trump-Deadline

Washington needed extra doses for a very unusual day in Washington Late show with Stephen Colbert, The usually dark night for the event turned into a bonus show.

Surprisingly, Colbert struck in a sympathetic tone. “Now, tell me what you will do about the president, and I will. But this is a critical moment for our nation and we wish all the President and First Lady of the United States a speedy and full recovery. ”

Colbert pleaded that we “separate the man from the office fee – and I hope Nov. 3. We literally do.” But for now, it gets me in trouble, even moving, that the president has been taken to hospital. “

Trump is now in a special suite at Walter Reed and his tests are ongoing. The Commander-in-Chief has fallen ill with a virus that has made the whole world humble. “I’m concerned about the president of the United States,” Colbert said, admitting that he was upset that it was Donald Trump who put the president in danger, wearing a non-mask.

“A lot of people were calling this an ‘October October surprise,'” Colbert said.

“I think it’s more like an October October,” Well, yes. “

Colbert also noted the sympathy extended by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

“Let’s not forget, Biden needs Trump,” Colbert said. “In the next discussion, he will not be able to interrupt himself.”