The last of us 2 can probably add options for limited and grounds

The trophy list for The Last of Us Part 2 has been updated and now includes two new trophies that refer to additional difficulty settings: Grounded and Permadeath.The Last of Us Part 2 seems to add two additional settings based in the very near future on these two new trophies. Permadeath, as a permanent death, is pretty self-explanatory, which means players probably have only one life in the entire game. Continuous modes for other titles typically mean that players have to start over from the beginning once they die.20200810150050

Screenshot by IGN.

Meanwhile, Grounded is a reference to a mode from the first Last of Us title that was released after launch. Grounded was a mode with high difficulty that repelled enemy damage, removed the HUD and “listening” ability, and stripped the world of supplies quite a bit. Grounded and Permadeath seem to be hardcore features for players who might enjoy an added bit of challenge.

The inclusion of these two trophies suggests that Grounded and Permadeath will be added to The Last of Us 2, although it is not clear when.

On top of multiple difficulty settings, The Last of Us 2 has several accessibility settings, so many that there are too many to list. But some highlights include Enhanced Listen Mode, Skip Puzzle options, various subtitle options, and combat customization.

The Last of Us Part 2 Review Screenshots

See IGN’s review of The Last of Us 2 for more coverage.

MattTM Kim is a reporter for IGN.