The Israeli panel will run the Saburin scandal in Look, Netanyahu

JERUSALEM – Israel’s defense minister on Sunday announced the establishment of a government commission headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to purchase million dollars for submarines and missile boats, an episode of what has been described as the biggest corruption scandal in Israeli history.

The defense minister, Benny Gentz, took the step largely to force political rival Mr Netanyahu to complete his coalition agreement, but it could further destabilize his already shaky unity government.

Mr Netanyahu was not named as a suspect in previous police investigations into the purchase of submarines and missile boats from Germany, which led to the capture of several of his closest associates. The planned commission of inquiry lacks legal authority. He can call for the testimony of any witness but he cannot force anyone to appear before him.

The panel, chaired by a respected retired judge, Amnon Streshnov and including former naval commanders and former government procurement officers, has public and moral weight. The inquiry is expected to last about four months, and the commission’s findings will be published.

“The Defense Ministry’s investigation will shed light on part of the process for the acquisition of submarines and ships,” said Mr. Gentz, a former army chief Said On sunday.

The state’s full inquiry commission, which will have more teeth, can only be set up with the government’s approval, which will not be explicitly approved by Mr Netanyahu’s conservative Likud party.

Mr. Gentz’s more limited move is a way to appease his disgruntled voters and critics in his Central Blue and White party, which has been declining since Mr. Gentz ​​went back to the election pledge and joined the military with Mr. Netanyahu.

The Likud party on Sunday slammed Mr Gents’ decision, calling it a mere political maneuver aimed at supporting his flag-waving.

The party said in a statement that “Gentz ​​has not been able to get out of the polls, so the party is recycling submarines to get votes while his party is engaged in internal strife.”

Mr Gentz ​​entered the unity government in May, announcing that the priority was to deal with the coronavirus crisis and avoid a fourth election in a year after three national ballots ended in a draw, with both parties unable to get a majority in parliament to form a government. .

But the Netanyahu-led government is massively paralyzed, with partners fighting for budgets and deadlines for senior appointments. Likud politicians have made it clear that they have no intention of honoring the coalition agreement that Mr Gentz ​​was supposed to take over as prime minister over a one-year period.

Mr. Netanyahu is prosecuting three counts of breach of trust, including trade in favor of a lucrative official in exchange for bribery, fraud and illegal gifts and other favorable media coverage. He has refused to do wrong.

But even the submarine affair has continued to turn its back on its future. Model submarines have been widely seen in weekly anti-Netanyahu marches and protests outside the prime minister’s official residence. Critics have long argued that if Mr. Netanyahu did not know what was happening, he should have.