The “Impossible” Black Hole Memorial Collision was discovered for the first time

About the collision of binary black holes

Artist’s impression of a binary black hole collision. Credit: Mark Myers, ARC Center for Gravitational Wave Discovery (Oz Zagra) Excel F Excellence

The largest Black hole By direct observation of ever collisions LIGO And VIRGO scientific collaboration, which includes no scientists Australian Australian National University (ANU).

The short gravity wave signal, GW190521, captured by LIGO and Virgin Gravity Wave Observatories in the United States and Europe on May 21 last year, came from two extremely spinning, large black holes, 85 times in weight and 66 times in weight. Of the sun, respectively.

But this is not the only reason this system is so specialized. The larger of the two black holes is considered “impossible.” Astronomers have predicted that 65 to 130 times the mass of the Sun’s stars undergo a process called pair instability, resulting in the star breaking apart and leaving nothing behind.

With a mass of 85 solar masses, large black holes fall square in that restricted range, known as the mass gap of black holes, and should be “impossible.” So if it wasn’t created by the fall of a star, how was it formed?

“We think of black holes as the vacuum cleaners of the universe. They suck everything in their path, including gas clouds and stars, “said Susan Scott, a professor of physics at ANU Research School of Physics, co-author of the publication.

“They also pull out other black holes and it is possible to create bigger and bigger black holes through the ongoing collision of the old payload of black holes. This is how a huge `impossible ‘black hole could be created in our discovered collision.”

The two black holes merged when the universe was only seven billion years old, about half of the current era. They formed the largest black hole ever observed by gravitational-wave observations, a black hole weighing 1 times 3 times the mass of the Sun’s mass.

Black holes of 100 to 100,000 solar masses are called intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs). They are heavier than large black holes in stars, but often lighter than supermassive black holes located in the centers of galaxies. No definitive electromagnetic observations have been made for IMBH of 100 to 1,000 solar masses.

Professor Scott, who is also the chief investigator at the ARC Center for Excellence in Gravitational Wave Discovery (Oz Zagrove), said, “A hole designed by collision is impossible.”

“We are very excited to receive the first direct observation of IMBH in this group series. We also looked at how it was created, confirming that IMBH could be produced by the merger of two small black holes. “

Another study suggests that scientists using Celtic’s Zwicky Transient facility may have been slightly outraged by the collision. This is surprising, as black holes and their mergers are usually darker than binoculars. One theory is that the system is orbiting a supermassive black hole. The newly formed black hole could have received a kick from the collision, fired in a new direction and passed through a gas disc around the supermassive black hole, causing it to be released. While the GW190521 probe is unlikely to have originated from a flame-like phenomenon, researchers say it is unlikely. Would be interesting.

“There are many different atmospheres in which this system of two black holes could form, and the gas disc around a supermassive black hole is definitely one of them,” said ANU’s Ozgrav Postcontrol researcher.

“But it is also possible that this system consists of two ancient black holes that formed in the early universe.

“Every observation we make as we collide two black holes gives us new and amazing information about the life of black holes around the world. We are starting the mass intervals of black holes previously thought to exist with the `’impossible’ black holes that have been revealed by our exploration.

More on this research:


R. “GW190521: Binary Black Hole Merger with a Total Mass of 150 M⊙” by Abbott et al (LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration), 2 September 2020, Physical Review Letters.
DOI: 10.1103 / fizrivate.125.101102

R. Abbott, TD Abbott, s. Abraham, f. Esarnis, k. Ck Clay, c. “Properties and Astrophysical Implications of 150 Solar Mass Binary Black Hole Merger GW 190521” by Adams, RX Officer, VB Adya, C. Efeldt એમ M. Agathos And LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration, September 2, 2020, Astrophysical Journal Letters.
DOI: 10.3847 / 2041-8213 / ABA 493