The HBO welcome arrives in Chechnya, and And she could be the next one ends

Illustration for the article titled HBO's iWelcome To Chechnya / iarrives, just in time

Photo: HBO

This is what is happening in the world of television for Tuesday, June 30. All hours are oriental.

First option

Welcome to chechnya (Netflix, 10 pm, special documentary premiere): “With his documentaries How to survive a plague and The death and life of Marsha P. Johnson, journalist David France has released some of the most vital and revealing reports on the ups and downs in recent American LGBTQ + history. But he never directed a movie like Welcome to chechnya. In those previous films, France made the events of past decades feel relevant again by carefully compiling the footage. This time, France and her team rely mainly on images filmed just a few years ago, mainly in and around the Chechen Republic of Russia, where a network of underground activists has worked to get desperate people out of the country to avoid torture, rape and murder at the hands of virulently homophobic local authorities. ” Click here to read the rest of Noel Murray’s pre-air review.

Regular coverage

Twilight Zone (Full access to CBS): Compulsive coverage continues


And she could be next: part two (PBS, 9 pm): PBS POV He began airing his first miniseries, this two-part look at six women of color running for office in 2018 last night. It closes tonight and it’s worth your time. Directed by Grace Lee and Marjan Safinia and produced by Ava DuVernay, executive, And she could be next Follow Stacey Abrams (Georgia), Bushra Amiwala (Skokie, Illinois), Maria Elena Durazo (Los Angeles), Veronica Escobar (El Paso, Texas), Lucy McBath (Atlanta), Rashida Tlaib (Detroit) and Nse Ufot (Executive Director of the new Georgia project).
