The Grounded update of the Last of Us 2 includes permadeath, new modes and extra trophies to try

The latest of our Part 2 Grounded update is here, adding the mode of favorite favorites, a new permadeath option, and a range of gameplay and visual modification keys. This means that while the more challenging Grounded difficulty is the main selling point, you can also make the whole game easier with things like bullet point targeting and infinite ammo. The update is scheduled to go live this Thursday, August 13th.

Grounded mode has always been the real test of a The Last of Us playthrough. Enemies are smarter, smarter and do more damage. Crafting supplies and ammo are almost non-existent (and no longer flash in the distance), and there is no listening mode or HUD to help you. It’s hard. Testing the mode with my completed save at the fairly safe early Capitol Hill level saw Ellie start with three bullets and not much else. Combine that with the fact that you can only take two hits on range if you’m lucky, and even winning an inch off the ground is a herculean task.

And now there’s also a permadeath mode, in case it did not sound like Grounded issues was enough of a challenge. As you would expect, it means that death is absolutely the end, in a game that if you last almost 25 hours, stress me out to just think about. This is the official image that Sony sent us, suggesting that 59 minutes might be the best time anyone could have:

(Image credit: Sony)

If you try your luck with Grounded or Permadeath, there are two new trophies for completing the game with both modes active. And, just in case you were worried, these new prices are not required for platinum.

But it is not all about the crushing transigenism of mortality. It’s fun too! Namely through a range of The Last of Us 2 video and gameplay modifier keys that can change how things look and play. There’s a full list of everything in the patch notes at the end of this article, but I’m a big fan of the bullet time that is targeted, one hit kills, and infinite ammo, which actually means that you play The Last of Max Payne. (No details on how this affects getting trophies, so I asked Sony for more info.) The visual modes add a range of filters and effects, including things like an 8-bit mode, a comic strip and more. Most are really ‘fun for five minutes’, but now my eyes hurt’ area, but if you want to play Tell Tale’s The Walking Dead, you’ll remember that.

(Image credit: Sony)

Rounding The Last of Us 2 Grounded update are a few more additional “options and enhancements” that add some new controller and gameplay tweaks, as well as additional enhancements for accessibility, including things like changes to the purpose of acceleration, sail gameplay , and more. The entire Ground Zero level has even received a new accessibility pass.