The galaxy may be full of aliens that destroyed themselves, the study says

No one can say for sure whether extraterrestrial cultures exist, but a new study suggests that the galaxy is full of them, although many may die.

The research, which can be read on the archival repository, was written by experts from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the California Institute of Technology and Santiago High School in California. 8 billion years after the formation of the galaxy.

“We cannot assume a low probability of destruction, so it is possible that intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy would be too small to be observed by us,” the researchers wrote in the study. “Therefore, our findings may suggest that intelligent life may be normal in the galaxy, but it is still young, supporting the optimistic aspect of this study. [search for extraterrestrial intelligence]”

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Experts have also looked at where other cultures in the universe may live, noting that they live on planets in the galactic habitable zone, galaxies have places where there is an abundance of metals. This could be about 13,000 light-years from the galactic center, the researchers noted.

By comparison, the solar system and Earth are about 25,000 light-years from the galactic center. The light-year, which measures the distance of space, is about 6 trillion miles.

However, the researchers also noted the possibility of self-destruction in a galactic intelligent life being “extremely impressive”, suggesting that any intelligent life can already destroy itself.

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“[I]”While intelligent life is likely to destroy itself, it is not surprising that there is no intelligent life anywhere else.”

Although there is no clear evidence that intelligent life will eventually destroy itself, researchers cited 1960s research that advances in science and technology would “inevitably lead to complete destruction and biological degradation.”

Some of the potential scenarios put forward by researchers include war, climate change and the development of biotechnology.

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So far, more than 100 exoplanets have been found, with only a small fraction of life-bearing properties believed to exist. A study published in November suggested that the galaxy may have 300 million planets capable of actually supporting life.