The first global Halloween after WWII in 2020 is Blue Moon

The events of 2020 have been so bizarre that some will probably happen once in the blue moon. But this year there will also be one of them: in late October, the real, rare blue moon will come – on Halloween. This year, October has two full moons in October. On October 1st or 2nd of October (depending on which time zone you are in) when day and night are the same length, Harvest Moon gave us. This usually happens in September but this year comes in October-October. Also known as the Full Corn Moon or Barley Moon in some parts of America, farmers made the most of it to collect well in the crop the night before the onset of winter. This year Harvest Moon was again the hunter’s moon Named for rural methods, this is the time to hunt fat animals in the summer under the moonlight, which is brighter and lasts longer at this time of year. However, the Harvest Moon of 2020 is a micro full moon, as it is smaller than normal. The second full moon in any month is known as the Blue Moon; There come seven every 19 years. The name is something of a placeholder, given to keep the other full moons of the year in their proper place. This is because the moon completes 12 full cycles of its phase in 354 days, eleven shorter than the 365-day full solar calendar year. This year is particularly unusual as it is the first full moon to hit the field in all time since 1944, although there is a full moon somewhere on Halloween every 19 years in the world – meaning the next one will arrive in 2039, followed by 2058 and 2077 . Some traditions count the third full moon in the astronomical season with four full moons as the Blue Moon. Either way, the extra moon is a way to reconcile the solar and lunar crescents, like the extra month of Ideal II in the Jewish calendar, which also occurs seven times in a 19-year cycle. In Jerusalem, the Harvest Moon was born on October 2 at five minutes past midnight; Blue Moon will take place on October 31 at 4:49 p.m.