The final update of Monster Hunter World features a fan-favorite Black Dragon

On October 1, Capcom will launch Monster Hunter World: IceburnFinal title update of. But Capcom saved the best for the last, as its final update brings fan-favorite Fatalis back to Castle Shrad.

For those who have never actually encountered falalis Monster Hunter – or many other games in which he has appeared – he is a huge, black dragon. Unlike some of Monster Hunter’s other dragons, the Fatalis is a traditional, Arthurian beast with dark scales, large wings, and fire emanating from its gills.

In Monster Hunter World: Iceburn, Fatalis is a special fight, and it feels like a hybrid between the battle of the arena and the grandeur of something like Zoya Magdars. Players can use enclosed weapons such as dragonflies, cannons and bustlists to help them take down the Faltalis.

Capcom decided to add Fatalis to it Monster Hunter World: Iceburn After a strong reaction to the art of the 15th anniversary. “We have decided that we want to show Fatalis for the first time,” said executive director Kanam Fujioka. “You expect to bring something out of the past, the date of the old assets and how difficult it was to use, however, after touching it in the CG. So we decided to recreate Fatalis properly for the 15th anniversary. It has gone completely viral on the internet. It was a huge success. And we thought, ‘Well, we can’t put it in the game anymore. “

Complete Paliko Fatalis armor with small predators

I mean, come up with this. See the little hunter in his hands!
Image: Capcom

As always, Fatalis comes up with new resources for carving, which hunters can turn into weapons and armor. But for Fatalis, the Paliko armor hunters largely shade the armor. The Fatalis mass transforms Palikos into mini-black dragon-cutter-eyed Fatalis.

Even better, the Fatalis Paliko weapon is a small hunter. Hunter rides on Paliko’s back when the tea is taken. But when it’s time to fight, the paliko chases the hunter off his back and starts killing the monsters with him. That’s the best, stupid thing in a game full of great, stupid stuff.

To fight Fatalis, players need to complete Iceborne Investigate the story and Elatrain.

Fatalis launched with Patch 15.01, which will add additional features Monster Hunter World: Iceburn.

Along with Fatalis, Arch is a new, limited-time hunt for the Velkhana of nature. Like the new clutch claw boost, the Elder Milder also includes new gems, new layered armor, new pendants, and new system additions to the sound acting, where it wasn’t there before. Capcom will announce at a later date what bugs are in the patch fixes.

There will also be a new Halloween celebration, the Fun Freight Festival.

As its final update, add this new one Monster Hunter World: Iceburn The game prepares for the maintenance mode – because the players probably. The next Monster Hunter game awaits. Monster Hunter World: Iceburn Will see new event quests for the near future.