The fastest, easiest way to earn the free ‘Tart Tycoon’ Fortnite Skin

Clearly, Epic Games wants a lot of people who travel all over the world Fortnite card in as malicious, business people with Apple, because the developer made this Tart Tycoon skin too easy. It’s probably the grand prize of the Free Fortnite Cup that takes place today, August 23, which is an elaborate festival to celebrate Epic Games’ massive legal battle with Apple over the iPhone maker’s 30% cut of payments from App Store. Strange! Let’s look at the fastest way to get the skin.

So here’s how it works: the tournament will take place from 3: 00-7: 00 PM in your region, so it’s already happening in some places and will not happen until much later in, say, Hawaii. You can play a maximum of 12 games in that time period, and the whole thing works from a points system. 10 points get you the skin, and here’s how they are rewarded:

  • Victory Royale: 10 points
  • Each elimination: 1 point
  • Every three (3) minutes spent in a game while not eliminating: 1 point

That, clearly, the “fastest” way to get the skin is to approach a Victory Royale, which will probably get you 20 or more points in one game. Fastest, however, is not the easiest.

The easiest way to get the skin is to just lay on the points you get for existing only, a system I wish we could know about the real world. That you only have to stay in the game for 30 minutes to get the required ten points for the skin, something you can easily do in two games if you are good enough or ready to spend time in fears.

Honestly, between 12 games it will be a bit tricky net earn this skin, unless you just land and die instantly without getting eliminations, 12 times in a row. So just avoid doing that, play normally, and you might not have a problem with the free skin.

The more advanced prices will require more work, albeit of a foreign kind. Epic gives away a ton of fancy hardware to the players who eat the most apples in-eating, so expect a ton of traffic across places like The Orchard as eager battlers blow each other for the chance to chow in hopes of winning of a laptop. 2020, ensfh.