The Democratic Republic of Congo announces the end of its 11th Ebola outbreak

“It wasn’t easy, but we’ve done it!” Dr. Matsidiso Moti tweeted, Regional Director of the World Health Organization for Africa. The WHO made the announcement along with the DRC’s Minister of Health, Etienne Longondo.
According to the WHO, 426 days have passed since the last confirmed case was negatively tested. No new confirmed cases have been reported since September 28.
The outbreak began on June 1 in the western province of Ecuador, as did another outbreak in the east of the country. The eastern outbreak was the world’s deadliest Ebola outbreak on record, and it was officially declared on June 25 – but it was only early in Equator.
By the time the equator erupted, there were 130 confirmed cases – 75 recovery and 55 deaths.

Both outbreaks were geographically far apart, and genetic index analysis confirmed that they were not related.

The Equator outbreak was a major logistical challenge for health and aid workers from WHOs, local groups and government agencies. The WHO said in a press release that it was not just in the midst of the Kovid-1p epidemic, when resources were already strained, but that the epidemic was over. Located in communities in rainforests and remote villages, the WHO said in a press release.

Some sites with high levels of infection were only accessible by boat or helicopter, which complicates the transport and testing of lab samples, and delays by specialists in the affected areas.

Sometimes workers face opposition from the local community, the WHO said. Over the years, responders on the ground have struggled against the distrust and fear of the extreme community, developed by a similar struggle between terrorist groups and government forces. Some humanitarian workers have been attacked by armed groups.
Ebola is hard to fight, but there is mistrust in Congo and fear makes it harder

Health workers tried to counter this fear by visiting local communities to increase their understanding of the virus. Local health workers and WHO experts visited more than 574,000 homes, and vaccinated more than 40,000 people at high risk.

At the time, they had to comply with Covid-19 restrictions and precautions such as wearing protective gear.

The WHO said it used the new cold chain freezer storage to keep the Ebola vaccine at extremely low temperatures for up to a week, allowing respondents to vaccinate people in communities without electricity.

“Getting out of the world’s most dangerous pathogens in the remote and difficult to reach communities shows what is possible when science and unity can be found,” Moti said.

“Facing Ebola in parallel to Covid-19 is not easy, but many of the skills we have created in one disease are being transferred to another and demonstrate the importance of investing in emergency preparedness and building local capacity.”


Ebola first appeared in Sudan and the DRC in 1976, and was named after a river in a later nation. It is one of the most viral diseases in the world and is spread by direct contact with blood or other bodily fluids of infected people.

Ebola causes fever, severe headaches and in some cases hemorrhaging. It is spread through direct contact with body fluids or contaminated objects by someone sick with the disease. In some cases, the virus is spread through contact with a person who has died from the disease.

Amid widespread coronavirus crisis, progress in the fight against Ebola

The virus enters the body through broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose or mouth. It is also spread through sexual contact.

Although the WHO celebrated the end of the Equatorial Outbreak, it also warned that there was a risk that the virus could re-emerge; The virus can remain in the body fluids of survivors for months, and it is present in animals throughout the region.

“When the 11th erupts, there is a need for constant vigilance and strong surveillance as potential flare-ups are possible in the coming months,” the organization said in a news release. “The end of this outbreak serves as a reminder that governments and partners must continue to focus on other crises, as well as the fight against Covid-19 continues.”
