The CARES Act allows you to withdraw $ 100,000 from a retirement plan, but most people have not approached

COVID-19 has made a number in the United States economy, bringing tens of millions of Americans to unemployment and causing with jobs in a world of financial stress. Fortunately, relief was available early in the pandemic. In late March, the CARES Act became law, and it included a key provision that, when enforced, could really rescue Americans from their financial jam: the option of withdrawing money without retirement from a retirement savings plan. .

Normally, IRA and 401 (k) withdrawals taken before age 59 1/2 are subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty. The reason? Savers get a tax exemption on their contributions and investment earnings, so in return, they are asked to leave their money only until retirement. Those who do not comply with this rule are penalized.

But under the CARES Act, savers can withdraw up to $ 100,000 if they were negatively affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, and that withdrawal will not be subject to penalties. But oddly, most people have not exercised the option of removing $ 100,000 from retirement savings. In fact, most savers did not take a coronavirus-related distribution at all.

Man counting hundred dollar bills

Image source: Getty Images.

Retirement savings are largely intact

Although the option of removing funds from an IRA or 401 (k) account without penalty is theoretically good, the fear is that many workers will drain their retirement savings prematurely and then end up with inadequate funds later. But so far, coronavirus-related withdrawals have been minimal.

Vanguard reports that only 1.9% of savers took a retirement from the retirement plan through the CARES Act until May 31. Of those that did, the average distribution amount was $ 10,413. Furthermore, almost 30% of the distributions taken due to the coronavirus were less than $ 5,000, and only 4% took the maximum withdrawal of $ 100,000.

This is all very good news. The less money workers take out of their savings today, the more they can retire. And also, lower withdrawals equate to lower growth of lost investment.

Imagine that a 35-year-old saver withdraws $ 5,000 from an IRA to cover short-term bills, but normally generates an average annual return of 7% on the investment in your account. If that same person retires at age 65, it will actually end up with $ 38,000 less in savings when the growth of the lost investment is taken into account. That is why it is so important that those who are taking advantage of their retirement savings out of COVID-19 related need to withdraw as little as possible, despite the option of eliminating up to $ 100,000. Doing so will help minimize the damage to your long-term plans.

Additionally, with a traditional or 401 (k) IRA, there is also a tax component. Although Roth account withdrawals are not taxable, traditional retirement savings plans are subject to tax on distributions. To be clear, that is not a fine: these taxes also apply during retirement. The CARES Act allows retirement taxes from an emergency retirement plan to be paid over a three-year period, but the fact that those taxes come into play is yet another reason for savers to take so little out of their IRAs. or 401 (k) s as possible.