The black hole photo promotes Einstein’s theory of general relativity

Physicists are one step closer to breaking down one of science’s most perplexing questions: how to reconcile the principles of general relativity with quantum physics. The answer could come from within a supermassive black hole. At the center of modern physics has been a century-long struggle with a pair of papers written by Albert Einstein in 1905. One described his general theory of relativity, which explains the universe’s gravity and its interactions with space-time, resulting in the Earth’s orbit, the Sun’s orbit, the galaxies colliding, and the fact that we float in space cling to the Earth. The second introduced the idea of ​​quanta, which has since been developed to describe the universe at a subtomic level, including how atoms and particles interact with each other. The problem is, the two are incompatible. For general relativity the fabric of the universe must remain simple and constant. Events at this level are pessimistic, meaning that every cause can be traced later. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, describes how the universe is divided into packets of energy. At this level, the events produced by the interaction of the particles occur in jumps called quantum leaps with probability rather than specific results. While the difference seems negligible, such as the difference between high-resolution images, showing more detail than low-resolution images, in practice it means that events are possible in a quantum world that is not in the world of space-time, as particles can also be ‘connected’ . When there is no physical intimacy with each other. In 2014, Dutch researchers showed that electrons can instantly influence each other even if they are a mile away. And when you try to blow up a microcrow with a macro, or vers, things go awry. Relativity gives rude answers when you generate infinite values ​​when describing gravity. In contrast, quantum fields carry energy, even in empty space; According to Einstein’s theory, energy radius and mass are equal (E = mc2), so increasing the magnitude by expanding the quantum field is equivalent to creating a mass. Go large enough and the amount of energy in the field becomes so dense that it forms a black hole which causes the universe to close on itself. Not ideal. Now scientists at the University of Arizona have found a new way to test theories and find that general relativity only stands for testing, but is about 500 times harder to defeat. “We expect a complete theory of gravity [combining the two opposing theories] Be different from the general relativity, but there are many ways to improve it. We have seen that whatever the true theory may be, it cannot differ significantly from the general relativity when it comes to black holes. We’ve really squeezed out the potential for change, “said Dimitrios Saltis, a professor of astronomy at Eurezo. To test the relativity, the team used the first photograph of a supermassive black hole and its shadow taken with EHT. The black hole is located between the Messier 87 galaxies in a debt galaxy cluster. Million 55 million light years from Earth, 5.5 billion times times our Sun. The size of a black hole is proportional to its mass: the larger the black hole, the larger its shadow. “At the time, we were not able to ask the opposite question: how can the theory of gravity differ from general relativity and be consistent with the size of the shadow? Is? Do these observations to control some of the options. “His answer was to make a comprehensive analysis of a number of changes in theory, which yielded results that did not match the shadow of the observation.” Without worrying about any details, “said Leah Madiros, a participant in the Institute for Advanced Study, a post-doctoral fellow from Eurizo’s EHT collaboration since her time as a graduate student.” Wiggle tightens the room by almost one factor to change Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Eurizo’s professor of astronomy, Fariel el Zell, a senior member of the EHT collaboration, said 500, compared to previous tests in the solar system. “Many ways to improve generality and relativity fail this new and rigorous black hole shadow test.” Ö Zell acknowledged that general relativity is well tested in observational phenomena, but noted that this new test tightens the boundaries of how well it holds up. We Zell said, “We always say that general relativity passed all the tests with flying colors – if I listened there was one rupee for every time.” “But it’s true, when you do some tests, you don’t see that the results deviate from the general relativity forecast. What we’re saying is that when it’s all true, for the first time we have a different gauge. By which we can make a test that is 00 times better, and that gauge is a shadow of a black hole. “” When we get an image of a black hole in the center of our own galaxy, then we can prevent deviations from normal. ” “Next on the team’s list is to get more fidelity images with the Greenland Telescope, a 12-meter telescope at Kit Peak near Tucson and other telescopes, including France’s Northern Extended Millimeter Array Observatory,” he said. It shows the beginning, “said Saltis.