The best VR headsets, from Oculus Quest to combine VR

Virtual reality is a new and exciting medium for all kinds of entertainment, whether you are a gamer or just want to do virtual tourism. But depending on your existing hardware options, the available gaming space, and your budget, the best VR headsets for you may be quite different from the best option for someone else.

There are high-end headsets that connect to a powerful gaming PC to deliver the most beautiful of virtual images. There are those with external trackers capable of handling large spaces, “room scale” experiences. Then there are those that are completely wireless and don’t need any connection, allowing you to track everything with just the headphones. For anyone just testing virtual reality waters, there are also headsets that can use their smartphone as a screen, helping to keep costs and barriers to entry as low as possible.

Whatever your wishes, needs and space or budget limits, there is an excellent earphone for you. Below, these are the best VR headsets in 2020.