The best new games to be released on Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC this week – July 19-25, 2020

New Releases is here to highlight some of the best new games that are released every week, and this episode features some indies that you shouldn’t miss, such as the 8-bit Panzer Paladin, the bloody Carrion, and the snow-covered Roki. . Nintendo Switch also demonstrates its power with Crysis Remastered, and Dying Light gets its new Hellraid DLC.

Panzer Paladin – July 21

Available on: PC, Switch

This platform game puts you in control of Flame. The little pilot can take on the 17 stages of the game himself or put on his mechanical suit to really generate heat. While in the suit, you can steal weapons from enemies and turn them against your enemies, or break weapons in half to unleash powerful magic. There are over 100 of them to handle.

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Crysis Remastered – July 23

Available on: Switch

Crysis remastered
Crysis remastered

Crysis was once the front-line PC benchmark title, and after a delay, the remaster is the first on Switch. As you explore its open world, you can wield all kinds of weapons while fighting enemy soldiers and aliens, even some shootouts happen in zero gravity. Your super powerful suit also allows you to ease pain with a variety of powers.

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Carrión – July 23

Available on: Xbox One, PC, Switch


Carrion is called a “reverse horror game” because you really play like the monster. Your objective is to escape from the facilities where you have been tortured by scientists and guards, and you will get your revenge as you grow and gain new powers. Xbox Game Pass subscribers can participate from day one.

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Dying Light: Hellraid – July 23

Available on: PS4, Xbox One, PC

Dying Light: Hellish Fear
Dying Light: Hellish Fear

Hellraid was once a completely separate game from developer Techland, but was put on hold. A few years later, the studio has revived the game as DLC for Dying Light. You can leave the streets of the city of Dying Light behind as you enter a tower full of medieval monsters. As you run through the tower, you will rank up and gain new weapons, and those weapons can also return to the main game.

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Roki – July 23

Available on: PC, Switch


Roki is based on Scandinavian folklore, so expect to find some different monsters on your journey. Protagonist Tove goes deep into the desert to find her missing family, and her quest will include exploration and puzzle solving. Your handy journal will help you keep track of where you’ve been and the loot you’ve collected.

July is not over yet. Next week, the new releases will end the month with some opportunities to revisit the games you might have missed the first time: the Destroy All Humans remake and the Xbox One release of Yakuza Kiwami 2.

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Playing now: The best new games on Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC this week – July 19-25, 2020