The Baby-Sitters Club Final Season Recap, Episode 10

Photo: Liane Hentscher / Netflix /

And we are back at Camp Moosehead. What harm has the nanny club caused (with love)? If you recall, the last episode ended with Kristy screaming over Stacey’s face. As if I hadn’t suffered enough at the hands of friends, you know? This time, however, it is guaranteed. Remember that little fight she had in the woods with her ex-New York best friend Laine? Yes, they were apparently rolling in poison ivy the entire time. Now her face is covered in a rash so strong that her eye is swollen. She is supposed to be the protagonist of the Mary Anne play that night and that is no longer possible. Everyone is devastated, but they also agree that, gee, her face looks horrible.

To make matters worse, Stacey is trapped in the infirmary with Laine, who of course also has the worst case of poison ivy the camp nurse has seen in 15 years. That’s never a sentence you want to hear from the camp nurse. Since Stacey has been ignoring Laine, this gives her a chance to solve her problems. After a little Days of our lifeDuring the viewing session to relieve tension, Laine apologizes. However, it is a kind of “I’m sorry, but also if you had trusted me about what was happening, none of this would have happened”, which is not really an apology. Still, it helps Stacey realize that yes, your best friends are the only ones you can trust, especially with “the scary things.” Now Stacey has that with the BSC girls and can make peace with Laine.