The spotlight was cursed! Ungrateful land: do good for the nation Before striking back pretty


The spotlight was cursed! Ungrateful land: do good for the nation Before striking back pretty

He became another star artist who showed a political movement point of view. Questioning inequality AND criticizing government administration for girls Focus Jirakun

However, going out to confront the side of democracy, making it the target of certain groups. Obtain an anonymous account of your opponent Frequent tweets of attack messages With profanity

On December 6 there was a Twitter account. Focus on tweet attacks Specifying the message With the message that Focus is ungrateful to the earth Ready to focus on examples of good works As well as being free turns

In which Focus then responded to the account. Who came to speak rudely to her writing “I am a good citizen, young and old, what good are you doing for this country?” Apart from the institute of love And sit down and curse other people writing little by little. Kind of curry like that. Using the word prostitution would be more polite. “

While people on Twitter come to support and encourage concentration. And commented that the person must process said account.
