The old man fights with the villain Stealth room invasion, being pushed, knocked out, capturing clear images, the police accelerate the hunt (clip)


Phuket town police rush to hunt thieves Invading the old man’s room But the old man rebelled. Use a chair to push him to the ground. Before looting the property Closed Circuit Capture Clear Images

On November 24, 63, the reporter reported that a Facebook user posted a video clip, approximately 2 minutes in length, at an event featuring a male villain. Wear a black short-sleeved t-shirt. Wear three-legged jeans. Enter the room. There was an old man living alone. With older men trying to protect themselves and their property He held a stick and yelled at the villain outside the room

While the villain tries to wander to find the property Before leaving the room Soon the villain returned with a plastic chair. The chair was used to push the old man to hit the ground hard. Until the old man screamed Before the villain rushed in to find the property in the old man Then he tried to raid the property on the bed. Before quickly escaping

Preliminary inquiries know that the incident occurred around 8:58 p.m. on November 21, 63, due to an incident in a house. On Komaraphat Road, Talat Yai Sub-district, Muang District, Phuket Province. After the incident, a relative of an elderly man traveled to report a complaint to the investigating officer. Phuket Town Police Station Completed Currently under investigation Phuket Town Police Station In the process of looking for clues To track down the criminal for prosecution

However, the police Phuket Town Police Station Sending people If you see the person in the picture, ask him to help you report the clues. Calling number 191 or Muang Phuket Police Station
