The Ministry of Health reiterates the proactive search for patients, Covid-19, still “important – necessary”


The Ministry of Health reiterates the aggressive search for patients, Covid-19, still “important – necessary”

Kovid-19 On May 2 in the Ministry of Public Health (Ministry of Public Health), Dr. Thanarak Springphat, Deputy Director General of the Department of Disease Control, said that although the trend of the situation in Thailand, the number of patients infected with the 2019 coronary virus or the new Covid-19 is declining. Yes But what needs to be done continuously is proactive monitoring of patients in risk areas. Because Thailand still has infected people But without showing any signs or symptoms I think it is a common cold and I don’t see a doctor. What these people may have in areas that are still pandemics Of the 671 cases of proactive screening in Phuket, there were 23 positive patients, or 3.4 percent. Krabi province has proactively searched for 447 patients, with 4 positive patients. Or 0.9 percent, this group of patients is the group that will keep the epidemic going. You can pass the disease on to others without knowing it. It shows that there are still some infected people in the community. Therefore, proactive patient search remains an important measure. Necessary and effective in the prevention and control of diseases

Dr. Thanarak said that after mitigation measures, people should still take good care of their health, such as leaving the house as needed. Wear a cloth mask or a sanitary mask every time you leave the house. Maintain social distances: always wash your hands, do not touch your face, eyes, nose, mouth, especially at risk groups such as the elderly and people with underlying diseases. Avoid traveling far from home. Also, people who have to go out into public areas when returning home, should not associate with others. Must be cleaned, such as bathing, changing clothes To prevent germs from entering the home AND checked to be seen If you are abnormal or have symptoms, you should seek medical attention.

“Although the government has relaxed mandatory social measures, it does not mean that the disease has disappeared from the country. If we are not careful, the disease will return to the epidemic because it should be gradually relaxed with caution,” Thanarak said.

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