The European Medicines Agency also believes that the AstraZeneca vaccine outweighs the risks.


European Medicines Agency – March 16, the BBC reported. European Medicines Agency (EMA) also believes that the anti-COVID-19 vaccine produced by Oxford – Astra Seneca According to the UK, the benefits outweigh the risks and stressed that “there is no indication” that the vaccine caused blood clots. After several leading countries in European Union Or the EU temporarily suspends such vaccines.

The Dutch suspend

The Netherlands has become the latest country to suspend use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine over concerns about potential side effects. The Dutch government said the move, which will last until at least March 29, was a precaution. The Republic of Ireland previously made a similar decision on reports of blood clotting events in adults in Norway. REUTERS

Mrs. Emir Cook The director of the European Medicines Agency said the EMA faced the decision to approve the astrazeneca vaccine earlier. Not higher than what is found in the general population.

“We know that thousands of people have thromboembolism in the European Union, so what we need to do is consider that. Are these events caused by vaccines or other causes? “AND” During current research, we continue to firmly believe that AstraZeneca Vaccine Benefits Preventing COVID-19 (a disease that carries risks of hospitalization and death) outweighs the risks, “Cook said.

Research results in cases of people who received the Aestrazeneca vaccine and thromboembolism due to The EMA will go out on Thursday, March 18.

Portugal - Spain suspended vaccines

Portugal and Spain have joined 15 European countries in suspending the use of the AstraZeneca Covid jab over unproven fears that it will cause blood clots. The move comes despite scientists and the European Medicines Agency dismissing fears about clots, with warnings that the pause of vaccines was “reckless” and would have “consequences.” Daily mail

At the same time World Health Organization (WHO) urges all countries not to stop vaccination with astrazeneca. And WHO’s vaccine safety experts met on Tuesday. Review reports of rare blood clotting disorders in AstraZeneca vaccine recipients.

Earlier, a WHO spokesperson said there was no evidence that these clots have been linked to the Astrazeneca vaccine.

Portugal - Spain suspended vaccines

Broken vials labeled “AstraZeneca COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine” and a broken syringe. REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration

Several countries have discontinued the Astrazeneca vaccine, for example: Germany France Italy Spain Netherlands Y Portugal And so on while Austria Partially suppress the use of certain vaccines. Belgium Poland Czech Y Ukraine Will continue vaccinating England With the drug regulatory agency stated that Evidence does not suggest that vaccination with astraZeneca produces a blood clot. And he asked the British to receive the vaccine on demand.

While AstraZeneca said, there was no evidence of an increased risk of blood clotting from the AstraZeneca vaccine. It is reported that Across the European Union and the United Kingdom, there are people who are vaccinated. Blood clots in the veins (deep vein thrombosis: DVT) in 15 cases and Pulmonary embolism (pulmonary embolism) 22 cases

“These numbers are much lower than expected naturally in the general population of this number. And close to the COVID-19 vaccine Others have been approved, ”said Astra Seneca.

Related news:

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The Dutch suspend “Astraseneca” another country, delaying 300 thousand doses in 2 weeks!

EU States There was no indication that AstraZeneca vaccine linked to blood clots
