The Department of Disease Control confirms that smoking does not help prevent infection, “Covid-19”. No research or evidence that can be prevented. Do not be fooled. Indicators around the world recommend quitting smoking and e-cigarettes. Reduce the risk of infection with Covid-19. Because there may be more severe symptoms
Today (April 30), Dr. Chayanan Sittibut, director of the Tobacco Products Control Board, Department of Disease Control, said that from the publication of research data in France, smoking. Cigarettes can help prevent coronary infections from infection. 2019 (Covid-19). The Department of Disease Control requests such information. From examination of such research data, it is found that there are no findings from the investigation. Or even evidence confirming that it is true, as it has been published in some way. Furthermore, it is only a hypothesis To prepare for the investigation of a single investigator Who has no conclusions yet In addition, the investigation plan also has incorrect investigation methods. Because it is an investigation that has a small number of patients. And it’s the only hospital data collection. Furthermore, the report has not been verified for technical validity. And the most concerning thing for this research is that it is inconsistent with the globally accepted scientific evidence of the harmful effects of smoking that has a stronger effect on the Covid-19 virus.
Dr. Roerudee Pathanavanich, MD. Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital revealed that after meeting yesterday with a panel of experts from the World Health Organization, which discussed the link between nicotine tobacco products and the Covid-19 viral infection. The meeting has raised research questions in France to discuss. The meeting agreed that Quoting that smoking reduces the risk of becoming infected with quid-19 is considered unreliable research. There is bias in the research methodology for sample selection. Why choose only the sample group that is mainly young OR are medical professionals who already have a low rate of smoking and know how to protect themselves from Covid-19 infection. Better than normal What amounts to setting the flag or directing the outcome of the investigation in some way from the beginning of the investigation.
Therefore, the Department of Disease Control emphasizes the public. Do not believe in the dissemination of research data that attempts to connect that. Smoking helps reduce the risk of covid-19. But you should take this opportunity to quit smoking To be healthy and ready to fight the Covid-19 virus Including various pathogens What will enter the body