Almost a new measure has been concluded to address the “suspension of debt”, NESDB, this October 21, divided into 3 groups, “green-yellow-red”.
Mr. Danucha Pichayanan, Secretary General of the National Council for Economic and Social Development (NESDB) revealed “Prachachat Business” that the NESDB has been assigned by the Center for Economic Situation due to the impact of the infectious diseases Coronavirus 2019 (BE) to host and invite the relevant agencies to urgently discuss solutions for the debt moratorium that will end on October 22, with a joint meeting during the morning of October 14. The Bank of Thailand (BOT) has reported on the debtor classification carried out with commercial banks. Approximately 12 million accounts participating in the project are divided into 3 groups: green group, yellow group and red group.
By the green group It is the group that is expected to repay the debt, which the BOT estimates that approximately 60% of the total debtor 12 million accounts, while the yellow group It is a group that may not be so strong When helping to this group, we should discuss what kind of help will you need? That you can extend the debt OR adjust the term to pay the debt, which must be considered individually. In the past, commercial banks had to verify all accounts receivable. There is already a call to speak to everyone. The red group. That you can’t keep taking care of business You may need to help restructure the debt Business restructuring
However, there are still issues to consider. Measures to exit How will help in the case of the green group? You may have to have measures to support the business. So as not to turn yellow, etc.
The tourism business group and hotel business Considered most of the red. What You May Require Specific Actions to Take Care of As for the manufacturing business, most of them are enough to move your business forward.
“The meeting has agreed on the framework for walking together. But still needs to be discussed in more detail than How will the measurements turn out? It must be done carefully because if it goes wrong it will soon become a moral hazard (moral condition), which on October 16 will be discussed in a small group. At the level of workers between NESDB, Ministry of Finance Including the private sector, then propose to the Prof. Commission for approval in the next week At this point I still cannot answer that The measures that come out will be a package or not, but I can say that the measures to pay off the debt on October 22, what measures are needed to help more ”, said Danucha.