Secret document NSC ordered to watch the former ambassador Owner of the popular page Spread negative information against the government


The NSC secretly ordered to monitor the former ambassador Owner of the popular page Spread negative information attacking the government, hoping it is Raschalichan, former Thai ambassador.

On November 21, the reporter reported that Mr. Thanapol Iwsakul Executive editor published an official document from the Office of the National Security Council or NSC allowing the officials of the news agency to monitor the protest movement. And by the Peace Police Headquarters Track and investigate the biography of the retired diplomat. Posting negative information against the government

byMr. Thanapol He said that Mr. Ras Chalee Chan, former Thai ambassadors, many countries Should have been closely watched for peace By order of the National Security Council, a very confidential document signed by General Nattaphon Nakphanich, Secretary General of the National Security Council . Let the peace go and trace the story Retired ex diplomat And seek the benefits of government service In spreading anti-government information Probably none other than Ras Chalichan, former Thai ambassador Owner of the Ambassador page outside the line of The Alternative Ambassador
