The rain hit the city, destroyed many electric poles. During the area in front of the Chitralada Technological Institute From the intersection of Wat Benchamabophit To the intersection of the real horse-shaped courtyard, with the Dusit district office speeding up coordination, the Electricity Authority has to cut the power. Initially 9 broken utility poles found, had to shut down all traffic on Sri Ayutthaya Road To install a new power pole
At 12:30 pm on September 5, Pol. Pol. Prasat Khao Prasert, OSMEP, Dusit Police Station I received several reports of broken power poles. Causing wires in the center At the intersection of Wat Benchamabophit, Sri Ayudhaya Road, Dusit Sub-district, Bangkok, to be inspected and coordinated with the Metropolitan Electricity Authority to inspect.
The incident occurred in front of the Technological Institute of Chitralada, several broken electrical poles were found. And there are electric cables across the street Therefore, it is necessary to close the traffic on Sri Ayudhya Road, both to enter and exit. From the intersection of the Benchamabophit temple To the temporary separation of the horse-shaped courtyard Before coordinating officials from the Metropolitan Electricity Authority AND Dusit office staff checked
Mr. Dicha Kongsri, Director of the Dusit District Office, revealed that after receiving the report, he coordinated with the Metropolitan Electricity Authority. To cut off the electricity already From the preliminary examination, two 8-meter long power poles, seven 12-meter power poles, a total of 9, fell, twisted, damaged and also caused power lines to cross the road. For the safety of travelers Therefore, traffic must be closed first As for the cause, it is anticipated that it is probably due to the preceding rain. Moisten the ground Up to make a large 100-year-old tamarind tree that is planted next to the Bencha Temple fence Knocked down the entire tree until the water rose from the ground Then the twigs connected the nearby wires until it broke the electric pole in the corner of the temple. The pillars leaned against the wall of the temple. Before pulling other power poles On the side of the Institute of Technology Bend down to block the road In the process of operation Order the best unit to bring the chainsaw, cut down the fallen trees first Then the electricity staff will evaluate the demolition of the broken power pole . Including the installation of a new electric pole
In the impact section From the examination, it was found that the surrounding communities were not affected by anything. With the events that happened there are only government offices in the Suea Pa field that cannot use electricity. That from inquiries to the Metropolitan Electricity Authority Know that it must be completed AND open to traffic normally tomorrow morning (September 6). However, public relations with the people who will go through this route will avoid using them on other routes.
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