September 18, 2020 – Assistant Professor Dr. Noppadon Kannika, Director of the Superpole Research Institute (SUPER POLL), presents the results of a field survey on Victory on the Ruins of Loss. Case studies of people of all occupations across the country Conducting projects that include quantitative research (Quantitative Research) and Qualitative Research (2,145) were conducted between September 10 and 17, and it was found that the majority, or 82.9 percent supported content issues requested by the mafia on September 19, such as constitutional amendments and Stop harassing people, while 17.1 percent did not support
It is worrying.Most, 81.0 percent, identified conflicts between resistance and mafia support groups on September 19, which led to an escalation of violent conflicts, while 19.0 percent said conflicts non-violent and 94.1 percent identified the future of the country as a result of the conflict. Severo turns into the same old image of being lost. Show movies in the past While only 5.9 percent indicate new images. That will be good for the nation
Of particular concern is that when asked the final image, who lost, found that the majority, or 71.9 percent, nationally identified as allergic. The economic crisis got even worse, while 81.2 percent said that most people lost, 6.7 percent identified only a handful of beneficiaries, and 3.2 percent said others, like everyone. the defeated, none won. The majority, or 17.0 percent, supported the September 19 road rallies, while the majority, or 83.0 percent, did not.
Interestingly, the majority, or 90.4 percent, said that a peaceful democracy should end in a House represented by the people. While 9.6 percent said they ended up going on rally roads.
The Superpole director said that a majority of the public supported the mafia issue on September 19 to amend the constitution and stop harassing people. But he does not support taking people to the streets to build mobs for fear that the nation and himself will be further destroyed by the economic crisis and COVID-19. A new round will aggravate Let the general public know that Both problems are common around the world, but Thailand is rehabbing like a coma. It can be receptive, so everyone must ask themselves, is Thailand owned by everyone or does it belong to the social world? And when the violence escalated, who was the victim? People in the social world or all Thais, all over the country and who need to help each other, think that The image of the future of the country will be produced as Victory over the ruin of a defeat?