Krabi is almost abandoned, hotels, shops are ruined, cannot tolerate coronavirus for 8 months, state cannot resolve point


Krabi is almost abandoned, hotels, shops are ruined, cannot tolerate coronavirus for 8 months, state cannot solve Won point to delay loan interest Closed almost 90 percent

From the situation of the COVID-19 epidemic It continues to have severe impacts Causing the main tourist attractions of Krabi province, which was previously full of people Tourists and foreigners But now it is lonely No people or tourists The business district that used to be full Today shop operators. Remove Only less than 10 percent of them are still open. Many stores, including hotels, were also found to be closing and running a large number of sales announcements.

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On November 14, 2020, Mr. Ekawit Pinyo Thamnothai President of the Federation of Tourism Industry, Krabi, revealed that on November 12, 2020 in the latest known Rumors about the sale of the hotel business in Ao Nang Beach Accept that it’s true

In particular, more than 10 large 3- to 5-star hotels with a total value of more than one billion baht. Announcing the sale of the business Because entrepreneurs cannot bear the load After having to bear the load for 8 months, the measures that were released could not help the operator at all. As for the small businessmen Not to mention Because it has closed a lot Because the Ao Nang beach area Most will accept TAT who are foreigners 80-90 percent

Mr. Ekawit further said that the measures taken by the government still cannot solve the problem in the long term. But what do entrepreneurs want now? Is the government sector considering the burden of spending? Especially the question of interest on loans. I want you to delay or not. Because entrepreneurs have no income to pay now. Therefore, I would like to ask the government to really look at the problem. And I have to correct on the point because in the past, the stimulus that the government did is just a temporary respite.

But the impact was due to the fact that the entrepreneurs had to increase their expenses in order to open their businesses in the short term. That did not truly respond. But in the long run, the state has to consider late repayment of loans. Both principal and interest You may have to delay the help to entrepreneurs in the period of 2-3 years. For the EU group, now you want to travel. But as the government is not clear about the opening to enter Causing these groups to choose not to travel If Thailand trusts the public health process It should also be clearly advertised to build trust among foreigners.
