Kovid-19: tourism industry after the corona virus crisis Como sera


Kovid-19: tourism industry after the corona virus crisis What will it be like? – BBC Thai

Sunbathing people on the beach should have glass scenes between them. Before Boarding the Plane A blood and disinfectant test should be done for passengers.

It may sound too true.But this is a measure that the tourism industry is considering making tourists feel safe in the world after the era of the bull run.

It is still too early to answer when international travel will start again. Argentina has ordered flights to be suspended until September, while UK authorities say people will not be able to book tickets to travel soon.

How will traveling to other countries change?

This is what can happen.

A woman wearing a face mask sunbathes on the beach amid the new coronavirus pandemic in California on April 25, 2020

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The airport

Many airports Including in London It has determined measures for those who need to travel during this period. And it can be permanently determined by either forcing yourself to be two meters off the ground at all times. Provide hand wash gel for people at the airport.

Hong Kong International Airport is testing a full body sterilizer. The airport says this will kill bacteria and viruses on the skin and clothing in 40 seconds.

A staff member tours the CLeanTech full-body disinfection channel facilities at Hong Kong International Airport on April 24, 2020

Hong Kong International Airport says the device can kill bacteria and viruses on the skin and clothing in 40 seconds.

In addition, the airport is also experimenting with cleaning robots that move around the airport on their own to kill germs with UV rays. As if a similar robot was also used to kill the virus in the hospital.

Airports with automated check-in machines increasingly ask travelers to trust this device to reduce employee interactions.

James Thornton, CEO of Intrepid Travel, says the pre-shipment process will take longer due to stricter inspection measures.

“Since taking the liquid and communication devices out of the bag is normal Here, there will also be social space. We may see the initiative.” Immunity passport “…”

Previously, many airports have started using thermometers to reduce the spread of the virus.

However, some experts disagree. Because some patients do not show symptoms Cause many airports not to use this measure

Emirates Airlines Offer passengers a quick test for a quick test before boarding at Dubai airport. What the airline said will know the results in 10 minutes

On the plane

Next, you may need to imagine the smiles of the stewardesses as they should probably wear a face mask. You can smile back. But they will not see your smile either, because you will probably have to wear a mask as many countries have already suggested.

Cockpit view of a US Delta flight. USA Between Minneapolis and Baltimore, April 25, 2020

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Inside the passenger cabin, Delta Airlines, flight in the United States on April 25

But you should feel comfortable knowing that larger airlines will have to take more thorough cleaning steps. Whether folding tables, seats and seat belts

If you are sitting on a Korean airline you will find a receptionist with PPE or PPE.

Next, you may not have to share the armrests with anyone. Like most airlines they will not have a full booking engine and must leave seats in the middle.

Christian pilots of Toei Airways Who reserved the last name, saying that although it is reasonable to let passengers feel separated on the plane But this will make the cost higher by default

“Losing a third of the seats means airlines have to fly at a loss. Or we go back to the old days when the price of the plane ticket to Paris-Nice was £ 1,000 (over 40,000 baht).”

Christians say that some countries that rely heavily on tourism have started negotiating with airlines. He believes that some flight routes will begin to return before the end of this summer.


Man in airport

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After this crisis is over, would you like to go to the beach in Italy? But you may have to sunbathe with a glass screen.

“I have seen replicas of the drawings,” said Alfson Tag of the Institute for Tourism Research. “In Italy, they really thought about following this idea.”

He said that in Europe, businessmen are thinking of measures to be used by hotel guests. If open a hotel except another OR even open for room type room

“If social rhythm is the main objective, that’s what they have to do. It seems unlikely that the pool will be used in resorts in Mediterranean countries.”

The Vila Gale hotel chain says the hotel has prepared a hand-washing gel and created a single-course menu instead of a buffet.

Nicolas Zipassas, professor at the Athens Faculty of Medicine. Agree that eating buffet increases the risk of spread Including a pool, bar and beach also

Some European countries least affected by Covid-19 have already begun planning for cooperation, such as Croatia, which says it will especially accept tourists from the Czech Republic and Slovakia this summer.

Traveling may not be the same again.

After the Outbreak Traveling on a yacht, going to a ski resort, or taking a long flight may not be as interesting as before, Son Tag said. Traveling around the country can make people realize that they don’t actually have to travel as far as before.

Passenger Terminal Zurich Airport Switzerland

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From a survey conducted by the International Air Transport Association (International Air Transport Association) 60 percent said they will be able to book tickets after the outbreak of the new strain of coronary virus in 2 months and 40 percent said they will wait at least 6 months.

Boeing Company, which cuts personnel worldwide by 10 percent due to this crisis, said they had to wait at least 2023 before air travel returned to the same level as in 2019.

IAG, the parent company of British Airways, said it would take another “many years.”
