clock! Extending the government to withdraw Postpone the purchase of “submarines” for another year, hoping to reduce the current objection. Wait clearly tomorrow
The reporter reported that After the meeting of the Deputy Commissioner for Equipment, ICT, State Enterprises and Working Capital Committee to consider the expenses for the year 2021, the House of Representatives Considered the budget of the Navy in the purchase of submarines. Since there is a two-way opinion
And the Navy insists that the need cannot be postponed. Therefore, the meeting resolved to vote by raising its hand with questions.
1. Accept the 2021 application (submarine)
2. Disapproval by request of 2021 (submarine)
3. Refrain
The results of the resolution were The votes are equal to 4 to 4 votes, the president of the meeting in accordance with article 79 paragraph two of the regulations of the House of Representatives must issue an award. The chairman of the meeting voted “Ok” for the acquisition of 2 submarines, totaling 22.5 billion baht, which was established as an installment budget. According to the annual budget Proposed by the Navy Approved by a resolution 5: 4 that
From that case.As a result, there was great opposition to the purchase of 2 submarines for an amount of 22.5 billion baht. Both political and public sectors That is why In this economic situation I should pay more attention to the mouth of the public than to other matters. That should follow the announcement of the “Navy” on the reasons and the need for this purchase.
Latest news reports from the Extraordinary Commission (Km.) Considered the bill on the Budget Budget for the Year 2564 of the House of Representatives that Since the current has created unrest in many parts. The Royal Thai Navy therefore coordinated with the Chinese authorities to find a solution. That at a later time the Chinese authorities have responded that Postpone the purchase one year, hoping that the Bank’s president of the budget Report on these matters at the meeting. Km. Budget. Big set tomorrow (August 31)