Citizens of Myanmar – Live group to protest against coup in front of Myanmar embassy – Post Today, political news


People of Myanmar – Vivo group to protest the coup in front of the Myanmar embassy

Date Feb 01, 2021 at 4:12 PM

Myanmar people and We Volunteer groups gather in front of the Myanmar Embassy in Thailand. Against the coup in Myanmar

On February 1, 64 at approximately 3 pm, a group of people from Myanmar and the group We Volunteer or Vivo gathered in front of the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Thailand, North Sathorn Road, Bang Rak district . Bangkok

Myanmar citizens and We Volunteer groups have been active in the fight against the coup in Myanmar.

The group We Volunteer also issued a statement condemning the coup in Myanmar. With the following content

In the wake of the military situation in Myanmar, Myanmar aggressively launched a military coup in the country earlier in the morning (February 1) and arrested government leaders, ministers, politicians and many people. Where did the coup factors come from? The failure of Myanmar’s military dictatorship to allow its country to have democracy through elected representatives and constitutional amendments. And where military dictators have just been defeated in the electoral arena This raised fears that an overwhelming public government was about to propose a constitutional amendment to reduce their role. And the army goes out

As an ASEAN Member State, we cannot be indifferent to such actions. Thailand must not back a coup. And it does not endorse the coup government. Regardless of race, race, religion and belief. Together, humanity must be helped to guarantee the right to freedom of political expression for all. Volunteers Urge Myanmar Coup Leaders to Stop Doing It Stop Arresting and Detaining People AND Hasten the Return of Democracy ASAP
