Candy explains the drama, Tony-Kaew blames Mae Ya Nang Lean Nong is a Dharma line Don’t eat meat


Kaew Root Candy explains the drama instead of Tony Kaew Charinya being dyed to insult Mae Ya Nang Pre-wedding photo knot with feet in front of the car The question is really a question of fashion.

Sweet root candy

Instagram image kandyrakkaen

Suddenly, there was a drama that was completely unconscious. As for groom Tony Roots and Keaw Charinya, who will be hosting the wedding ceremony on December 11, 2020, the couple will host a New-Normal event. Invite guests to join the congratulations broadcast on the ULN Channel YouTube channel.

ByI released a pre-wedding photo expressing the identity of the couple for fans to see as well, many of whom said the image is very beautiful, artistic, worthy of being a romantic lover. But instead it has a drama When people criticize that In one of the pre-wedding photos Have a photo of that girl with glasses Use legs and feet on the car console. Until it was deemed inappropriate Disrespect for Mae Ya Nang

Instagram image kandyrakkaen

Recently (December 6, 2020), Candy Root, Tony Root’s real sister, came out to clarify on behalf of the younger brother that Nong did not want to blame Mae Ya Nang. I want you to see it as a fashion image. Personally, I used to lift my legs to some degree due to leg pain, and I said that although the two younger brothers are avant-garde, they are both quite religious, they often have merits, sit in vipasana, and also reduce meat consumption.

With all the messages that say “Seriously, read on. I think it’s a very small part. That drama Most of them could understand. Well, when I saw this news, I barely raised my leg and wondered: Oh, can’t you lift your legs? , ah But we don’t disrespect anyone. Because we also respect Mae Ya Nang all the time. But Mae Ya Nang should be modern and understand that That’s a fashionable shot and our leg hurts !! You would forgive.

Also, although Thokaew looks like a modern fashion style, these two people are the best !! Making merit, sitting wipasana, and now ignoring the meat, refraining from the persecution !! Speaking 10 words, 8 words is Dharma. Therefore, Candy believes in the goodness of both, but with a bit of drama. But it can be a problem. Show that people are interested, say, watch the live broadcast of Master Kaew’s wedding, December 11, 4:00 PM on the YouTube channel ULN Chanel.

Tony Root - Kaew Charinya

Instagram image kandyrakkaen
