October 3 20 – Miss Nattamahattana, or Bow, political activist Allied opposition parties In a Facebook post, Bow Nuttaa Mahattana said Pornhub was already an illegal site in Thailand. But many people don’t know. It is an online crime syndicate active in America to shut down and take legal action against owned businesses. As an administrator, the flaw was so flawed that perpetrators could abuse them because they couldn’t identify them. There are millions of people participating in the campaign around the world. Do not seek political satisfaction and support this type of business.
The affected victims are found all over the world. The youngest is three years old. There were women who were raped, those who were secretly filmed without consent. And pirate movies The owner of the web makes money through a zero detection system. There is no system to verify the identity of whoever uploaded the clip (unlike the Facebook we use), therefore the offender cannot be punished. Reports of crimes and the allegations of the victims were not answered promptly. There were victims who waited until they threatened to sue and agreed to eliminate them. Many others found out over time until the people at the school met them. It destroyed many lives and many committed suicide. (Examples of cases that have occurred and are still available https://www.bbc.com/thai/international-51474033)
The profits from this inhumane and totally irresponsible business are enormous. Business owners turned to free publicity for CSR through the media.
If you didn’t know before But when you know the truth, you should review your position in this regard. This is not just an illegal Thai porn site. (Where the state has long been the duty to enforce the law Not discriminating well If illegal, propose amendments to the law), but it is as much about human rights abuses, children’s rights as serious crimes. Anyone wanting to know more details, try searching for the Trafficking Hub campaign to read and sign up. https://traffickinghub.com
As for the people trying to protect this website AND asked how Bow found out Bow was one of the victims and one of the cases where the US litigation team gathered information to prosecute. One of the information that should be kept is the report attempts and the report results. It was clear that the victim could not have any protection. All offenders are free and can repost all the time at the time we report. The system doesn’t even go through the actual notification process. Finally, we have to use the email method and not receive a response. This is what happened and is still alive this year. Today, they can do it repetitively.
That means Anyone can upload anything. The system is completely devoid of selection and identification of actors. But the damage to the victim occurs the moment the clip is loaded. And it will repeat itself on the Internet for the rest of your life. In fact, from the latest cases, many people are satisfied and angry with the closure. It is the proof itself that simple and foolproof crimes can still be carried out on platforms that are deliberately provided for violent crimes. Where anyone can become a victim at any time
For those who do not understand the technological problems and say that Facebook or YouTube should also be banned? Very different.Other widespread platforms have stricter identification and detection systems to punish them. Facebook has a system with much more responsibility. Although it is not a company that runs the risk of committing a crime so clearly But despite trying very hard, Congress kept asking the FB many tough questions. Because all action must be responsible. Society must be protected from criminals. The more pornography the site is, the more responsibility and safety standards need to be added.It is the responsibility of the operator.
The last thing you don’t want to forget is That crime Get it wrong with anyone And nothing satisfactory The state that the state would choose to respond to is another issue that can be blamed and set standards. But it is not a way to keep things illegal so that it can be a way to rape someone as indiscriminate and irresponsible as he is.