Big Du Lan needed to use km, go dark, control the mob. But without using the special km The buzz of money arose in the middle of the circle.


‘Big Du’ fired, needed to use more concentrated km, control the mafia But without using the special km The mafia will certainly affect investors. The buzz of money arose in the middle of the circle.

On November 18, 2020 at the Government House Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said about the parliamentary rally on November 17 that Accepting the collision of protesters sure affects investors. Because the photos went abroad That the government needs to use more intense laws But still without using special laws To control the situation At this moment, the officials are concerned and do their duty not to cause more problems. Please do not comment on the demands of the 3 protesters that it is up to the people of the country as judge.

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The results of the meeting. The meeting has not yet been approved. In the case of a proposal to reduce the quarantine day from 14 days to 10 days as proposed by the Ministry of Public Health.

The reporter reported that During General Prayut standing for a press conference There was a child, money, money, among General Prayut gave an interview. Have the security officers fire the kid from the money and money
