Arrested and then a brutal 26 woman! Kill – Earn Gold, Cut Grandma’s Neck – Thairath


  1. Arrested and then a brutal 26 woman! Killing-Win Gold slips off Grandma Thairath’s neck.
  2. Picked up, “young customer” killed the neck of the 74-year-old grandmother. Claiming an angry haircut to dislike Sanook
  3. Damn Hell A young customer who cuts Grandma’s neck, beauty salon, Deli New’s
  4. Supervising a woman, killing her grandmother’s neck for 74 years, making plans: villagers shout chaos Thai journalist TNAMCOT
  5. Holding a girl with a murderous hand, slapping her 74-year-old grandmother’s neck and confessing an argument Thairath’s haircut doesn’t like.
  6. See stories from all channels on Google News.