A tiger bites a person giving food a terrible pain. Friends rushed to help. Close to being crushed


A tiger bites a person giving food a terrible pain. Friends watched the incident to help. Close to being crushed The rescuers Taken to the hospital

At 4:30 pm on September 18, 2020, rescuers Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan, from Pattaya City, Chonburi Province, were informed that a tiger bit a pet and was injured in the Bang Lamung district area. , Chonburi province after being notified. Travel to inspect

At the scene, there was an injured person, known as Thitipong, 32, injured in both arms, legs and left mastoid. And along the body many points Rescuers Give first aid before transferring the injured person to Banglamung Hospital urgently.

Ask the injured Mr. Thitipong who was a tiger care worker. Usually he brought food to the tigers. There are 3 tigers in the cage and they clean. Feed daily But today a tiger jumped up and attacked him. When a friend who saw the incident came to help him, he was taken to the hospital.

For such a place with an area of ​​over 1,000 rai and it has yet to be opened for tourists to visit at all. There are only staff who take care of it.

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