A group of bad students came out to clear up the case of the opening of a pre-order uniform, a bad school uniform, black price 2,999 baht.
(October 5) Twitter, a group of bad students, has clarified. In the case of opening pre-orders, bad school uniforms, black at a price of 2,999 baht, which makes it a criticism in the social world. Because in addition to expensive She is against the position that bad students call for the abolition of school uniforms to reduce social inequality.
“The group of bad students said that it would be clarified if the pre became a bad school uniform. The opening of the pre-opening is the opening of the pre that has not been fully considered as suitability before publication. Which came from the idea of the four leaders who saw that bad school uniforms weren’t uniforms because they weren’t required to wear
“Opening it to the pre-show with the sole intention of being a gift for someone who wants to support the bad student. But looking at the bad student uniform in one dimension I haven’t looked around yet. Making the bad school uniforms still have the implications of uniformity “.
That is why I have to apologize to all the people AND students across the country that we try to promote the freedom of dress in school. But she brought a bad student uniform to open pre-orders. We take full responsibility for thinking too little. And it will be improved so that this does not happen again ”.