Dr. New Reveals A Plan To Dissolve The Kingdom Of The Faculty Of Progress


December 17, 2020 – Dr. Supanut Apinyan or “Dr. New”, Researcher at the MAST Center and the College of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Arkansas, USA Post a message via Facebook Suphanat Aphinyan as follows way:

Plan to Dissolve the Kingdom of the Progressive Faculty

The Progressive Council’s plan in local elections is to have the locally elected Provincial Administrative Organization undermine the legitimacy of provincial governors who are appointed at the regional level. Suppress the existence of governors throughout the country. What can lead to the overthrow of governance without knowing From a single state to a multiple state From a kingdom to a republic

The origin of the plan to wake up the governors of the whole country It is because the provincial governor is a provincial government. Which continues to link between the central government and the local government together Anytime it can destroy the provincial government or overthrow the governor. And if there is no new balance between central government and local government, it is good to support Equivalent to destroying the link between central government and local government. Causing the province to become an independent state Which is automatically separating the territory This turns Thailand in the form of a “single state” into several states, known as “federations”.

When can a single state be transformed into a federation? You can destroy the form of the state in Section 1 “Thailand is a single kingdom It is indivisible.” Then it became easier to change the form of government from the kingdom to the republic in Article 2, “Thailand has a democratic regime of government with the King as head of state ”.

The opening of the game in the local electoral field Therefore, it became a new front line for the Progressive Party that was not just an ordinary election of the Provincial Administrative Organization, but the PAO with hidden threats. And expanding the gap to the violence they want. Create conditions that allow foreigners to intervene to support change. With all the plans for a big mob for next year already

In addition, the PAO with the budget in possession. Also good for violent French or Russian revolutionary game. That they tried to incite all the time. It’s a good mobilization tool. Post a series of brainwashing ideas. And easily incite uprisings at the local level.Then the starburst mob that has occurred in each province will expand in the provinces where the Progressive Council has been able to occupy the Provincial Administrative Organization and can lead masses to form a large crowd also in Bangkok.

Therefore, the more progressive the PAO, the more powerful the mafia will be in the coming year 2021.
