‘Progress’ Announces IO Army Finds Private Companies In The Fund


December 1, 2020


‘Progress’ Announces IO Army Found Private Businesses Behind Warnings To Stop Using Taxes To Fight People

At the Thai summit Miss Pannika Vanich, leader of the Progressive Faculty, gave a press release “Open the vicious circle of IO.” The movement is in a circle “, stating that there is now a process of sending the voluntary sincerity of the military via Twitter, Broadcast and Free Messenger applications To rotate a label on Twitter For the 2nd Infantry Brigade, His Majesty has 17,562 accounts, a total of more than 50,000 accounts to broadcast the truth The publication system is divided into black or white, but also has support and operations to produce content.

Ms Pannikar said that the operations department acts to press the heart and follow and serve to launch messages or content enriched with hashtags and complete illustrations. Support section There will be a group of storytellers to rebuild the image of the military and weaker opponents and people. There are data warehouse officers looking for information to send to the operations team. Among 17,562 accounts, approximately 600 have clear ranks, ranks, and military units. These groups of accounts opened a Twitter account three months ago. Many of the same repeating messages are posted at the same time. Post sometimes unnatural And some people turned their faces into light soldiers, for example, a person using the name “Hia Tu Tham Pao” who turned out to be a colonel soldier. And found that the same message, image, and hashtag were posted about over a thousand times

It has also been found that there are entrepreneurs behind the applications that are used to make the information. That he is a person involved in training, being a lecturer, volunteering and training on the use of social networks. Most importantly, he is also diligent in the military. The businessman owns 20 companies, and many of them have racked up losses and, most importantly, have been warned by the SEC to sell bonds to the public. But he violated the order until he was fined by the SEC. The Army says the content is positive in shaping the Army’s mission. And do not operate to the detriment of anyone, it was found that there was a large number of behavioral alterations. And a tweet to defame the group The military was forced to spread hatred through citizen taxes. And fight with the people of the online world


“If I still don’t think the military has done IO. Take a look at the previous news that the Twitter company said that the IO926 accounts linked to the Army had been suspended. And suspend a Twitter account called Royal Volunteer School How many hundreds of Millions of baht and time wasted for the army fighting the people? We try to stop these behaviors by exposing the truth. We often ask the leaders of the armed forces of the commission. But it has been denied that the military does not do IoT. If you haven’t stopped We won’t stop until the army becomes a democracy against the enemies of the people a year from now. We have to talk about that twice. Please don’t let me expose next time that the army has made mistakes I do not want to use our resources to pursue something so useless. I hope that next year is not fulfilled But if they have not stopped yet, we will still meet, “he said. Pannikar.
