The police threaten! People eating a saucepan in front of Parliament is a crime against many charges.


Police warning! People eat pork bread in front of Parliament is an illegal act, many charges were revealed tomorrow, they closed the road from 6:00 am, strict supervision of both protests

Today (November 16) Pol. Maj. Gen. Piya Tawichai, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police (Ngor.), Declared that tomorrow’s rally that there are 3 groups of protesters: Thai Phakdi Political groups, sector of people and groups of people They all aim to rally around to the Parliament (Kiakkai), Samsen Road, where two groups have already presented the call for the assembly, and the other is the People’s Party. Who has the main subject, Phai Daolin, has not yet presented a meeting with the care staff.

For the two groups in which protesters have appeared, officials have provided the conditions for the meeting.5 Prohibition of the use of defamation badges or incitement messages, do not move protesters by any other route without notifying staff. Do not use an amplifier, it is forbidden to break the law. (The maximum noise level does not exceed 115 decibels) on the part of the assembly it is necessary to be calm, not violating the rights of others. And the meetings do not obstruct the traffic Asking the group to comply with the requirements Even if the assembly is notified, if the law is broken, it can be prosecuted.

Tomorrow, traffic on Samsen Road in front of the Parliament building will shut down incoming and outgoing traffic from 06.00 onwards, asking people to avoid the routes to reduce traffic jams. The use of police force, Metropolitan Police Headquarters Have arranged the power as appropriate In organizing the power to change to turn around each company, stir 9 as appropriate.

In the event that some protesters announce it, there will be a water rally. Initially coordinated by the Port Department, which is already in charge of taking care of the flow through the water, which already has measures to intercept to prevent the impact on water traffic and dangerous accidents. That if it is violated, it will be a violation of the law of the Department of the Port. Water traffic law

Also, if the group Protesters announced that they would eat Pan Pork and Yangon on the sidewalks, Pol. Maj. Piya said it was illegal to do so. Fall in the blame of Cleanliness Law And the order of the country Road Traffic Law Do not place obstacles on sidewalks or public places, including Industrial Law. On the use of canned gas Regarding the evacuation plan, 550 senators and senators confirmed that the officers had measures. It is not too worrying, details cannot be revealed if parliament is under siege.
