In a briefing on November 5, 2020, he said: “We are absolutely sure that Joe. BidenWill be the next president ofUnited States”
On November 5, Biden reached out to 270 voices from the delegation.ChoiceHe needed to win the White House After winning the battle of the “Blue Wall”, states like Wisconsin and Michigan. And it narrowed Trump’s winning path.
In a virtual briefing held with senior adviser Bob Bauer, the chaos of Trump’s impeachment campaign has been discussed. Trying to increase the president’s chances of winning and raise doubts about the election results. When a new vote recount is requested in Wisconsin AND lawsuits have been filed in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia.
evenTriumphHe will claim to take the fraud to court. But most prosecutions require greater access to campaign observers in places where ballots are counted. That a judge in Georgia The judge dismissed the case after just 12 hours after the lawsuit was filed.
Bauer said these lawsuits I would like to emphasize that the purpose of these lawsuits is not necessarily helpful. That is not the purpose. It gives them the opportunity to send false messages about what happened in the electoral process.
While only a handful of states are left to compete Trump has attempted to use judicial pressure in some of the major swing states, but despite the hustle and bustle of Republican activism, the confusion in court proceedings does not appear to have any apparent impact. in the election results.
He was asked about the possibility of US Attorney General William Bar participating in the Trump legal process. Bauer said, “There is no reason for the Justice Department to get involved. This is a state matter. This is not about the Justice Department. And we see no reason to believe. What are the basic responsibilities? Justice minister “
It’s been two days after Election Day. No candidate has yet mustered the votes necessary to win the White House. But Biden’s victory In the Great Lakes region state This gives him 264 voices, which means he wants to win only in another state of battle to become president.
Trump, with only 214 electoral votes, faced much greater obstacles. To reach 270 votes, you need to win in the remaining four battle states: Pennsylvania North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada
That during the 4 and a half time in Thailand Progress in voting in the four states is as follows:
Pennsylvania has about 370,000 ballots yet to be counted. And the voting officer will be able to count most of the counts before Thursday local time. And you will know the clear results of the winner In the field of the mail ballot Continued to enter The law allows elections officials to receive and count the ballots that arrive by mail today, and the state has asked the counties to separate the cards in the section arrivals starting at 8:00 pm on November 3. Because there may be trials by Trump. Here are 20 electoral votes to compete.
Georgia has about 47,000 ballots left, with Trump leading Biden with fewer than 10,000, and Chatham County has the most cards, more than 17,000, with 16 electoral votes left to contest.
In Nevada, it is difficult to determine how many ballots have not been counted. Since it is one of the few Where all voters can use the postal voting system The authorities will count the ballots received until November 10, as long as they are postmarked on Election Day. Biden now leads nearly 12,000 points at noon on Thursday. Officers in the Clark County area where Las Vegas is located. And the household of more than 70% of voters say they hope to be able to count all their ballots by the end of this week. Here, there are six electoral votes to compete.
In North Carolina Trump is leading the way with more than 75,000 votes, with roughly 95% of the votes counted already counted, but the state is not expected to report further results until next week. Because to close the counting of votes the state had to wait for about 116,000 ballots to arrive before 5 pm on Nov. 12 – Nov. 12, the state still did not know of the 116,000 voters who received their ballots by mail. UNA How many people come to vote themselves? Or drop in a ballot on Election Day. This will count down the cards. This state has 15 electoral votes at stake.
In Arizona, there are approximately 450,000 ballots left to count, with approximately 300,000 coming from Maricopa County. Officials do not estimate how long it will take to count the remaining ballots. The remainder of the ballot includes a “postal ballot that voters drop on Election Day at the polling place.” Authorities verify signatures before they are counted. This state has 11 electoral votes.
History of Kailak Ngamsopha | Photo courtesy of REUTERS