Ae Su Almost no land Scouting 3. Impossible mob offer.


Ae Su Almost no land Scouting 3. Impossible mob offer.

On October 26, Ms Parina Kraiikup, a deputy from Ratchaburi, Palang Pracharat Party, argued that according to the youth mafia proposal, the Prime Minister would resign, dissolve the council and reform the institution. Believe that everyone knows that it is only a small part of the needs.

Today, the breakup of the youth mafia. Come dare to do wrong And cause problems for people Everyone knows that getting out of the youth mafia is impossible. There will be no resignation. There was no dissolution of the council. And there is no institutional reform

The beginning of today’s schism was not caused by youth. Gen. Prayut or the Institute, but caused by the use of social media Residents after the split used social media to incite Create hatred and divide False information has been shared. Create false news There is a slander to the institution.

Ms. Parina went on to say that she wanted to propose that government officials take their duties more seriously. Today, the released youth mafia members have revealed that there is foreign support for the scholarship. The future of Thailand should not be a military base for any country to fight against China. The demonstrations of the youth mafia are also clearly marked by violent attacks.

“Therefore, I urge the political parties AND groups that are involved Behind the youth mafia to stop using white youth, stop promoting and stopping unworthy acts Because time is almost running out And you may have to end up without land.”
