Issue 1 additional arrest warrant for youth leaders for assaulting liberty


The Criminal Court has approved an additional arrest warrant, the offender under M.110 “Assault on the Queen’s Freedom”, is the coordinator of the youth network for the reduction of risk factors (active youth)

On October 20, it was reported that the Criminal Court approved an arrest warrant dated October 20, 2020 to detain Suranat Panprasert, coordinator of the active youth network, one of the leaders of the campaign network. Children and young people In a crime classified in the Penal Code, article 110, as requested by the investigation officer of the Dusit Police

In this regard, article 110 of the Penal Code, “Whoever commits an act of violence against him OR the freedom of the queen or the heir OR the body or the freedom of the Regent will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Whoever tries to act like this will be subject to the same punishment if the action is of a nature that could endanger life or life. The offender will be punished with the death penalty. Or life imprisonment Who acts in preparation for an assault against him OR the freedom of the queen or the heir OR the body or the freedom of the Regent OR knowing someone will hurt him OR the freedom of the queen or the heir OR assault on the body or the freedom of the Regent Doing any act to help hide He will be punished with a custodial sentence of 12 to 20 years.

As for Mr. Suranat Panprasert, who was accused of Section 110, it was the third case. The Criminal Court approves the request of the Dusit Police Station Investigative Officer to issue arrest warrants for political activists Ekachai Hongkangwan and Boon Kuuean Pao Thong. According to arrest warrant No. 1595/2563 and 1596/2563 dated October 15, 2020 by M. 110

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