Survey crushes mobs September 19! 91.2 percent of the NACC disbanded the supporting party, violating the nation’s main institutions


September 26, 2020 – Assistant Professor Dr. Noppadon Kannika, Director of the Super Pole Research Office (SUPER POLL) presented the results of the field survey on the mafia on September 19 with the aggravation of case studies from people of all occupations across the country. Carrying out projects that include quantitative research (Quantitative Research) and qualitative research (1,119 samples) carried out by the project between September 21 and 25.

It found that the majority or 89.9 percent identified the mob on September 19. Do it for personal benefit and for friends. While 10.1 percent said they did not do it for personal and family benefit.

It is worrying The majority, or 91.2 percent, said that the mob of September 19 aggravated the national crisis and aggravated the anguish of the people. While 8.8 percent said it did not get worse, the majority, 92.0 percent, said mobs and defense groups are breaking down and destroying the foundations of their own countries. While 8.0 percent indicated that there is no divisibility.

However, the majority, or 92.0 percent, identify who was wrong. Manage according to the law, mafia leader and advocacy group Not to be duplicated, repeat bad While 8.01 percent said they did not have to deal.

Consider is The majority, or 91.2 percent, indicated that the maximum penalty should be. Collapse of political parties backed by politicians, rallies, violating the main national institutions. While 8.8 percent said no, the vast majority, or 96.1 percent, agreed that they did not love but did not destroy. Love and unity of the peoples of the nation. Do not violate the main institutions of the nation because it is necessary for the peace of the country. While 3.9 percent indicated they disagree.

Director Superpole said the September 19 mob did not receive support from the general public because it was a demonstration that did not meet the needs of the people. People do not benefit from the assembly. On the contrary, the general public saw that the assembly was causing divisions. Destroying the love and unity of the nation’s people. They are violating national institutions that are fundamental to the peace of the country. If the country is not peaceful and stable Driving the economy and society is difficult. All interest groups must cut the electricity supply, but Tonwind sends representatives to negotiate an urgent agreement to stop the possible escalation of violence.
