Young Burma misses home But I can’t escape Thailand Sit and drink alcohol in the middle of the street


Young Burma misses home But I can’t escape Thailand Sit and drink alcohol in the middle of the street

Kanchanaburi – September 7 Ms. Net Amphorn Chiang Thumlam Nurse Practitioner Sangkhlaburi Hospital Informed by a good citizen that an unknown man from Myanmar was found Lying in the middle of the road Somdej temple bend area In Moo area 3, Nong Lu Sub-District, Sangkhlaburi District, with minor injuries to his face and knees.

Initially it was expected that he would fall into the car and present symptoms similar to alcoholism. Inquire and talk, I don’t know. Fear of duplicate accidents. For sleeping unconscious in the middle of the road. That is curved and has no lighting. Request that an ambulance be taken to the hospital.

While waiting for the ambulance to pick him up Trying to call the Myanmar man And inquiring about the origin and reasons for throwing himself on the road at the scene The Myanmar man said he went to work in a market in Nakhon Pathom province.

But due to the fear that it was a citizen of Myanmar who had been illegally introduced AND living in areas affected by COVID-19 When asking is not a fact Then the staff helped take the Myanmar man to an ambulance. Sangkhlaburi Hospital Together with the police coordination Sangkhlaburi Police Station He came to inquire about the origins of man

Until he learned that Mr. Joe’s name was Burmese. Previously, he worked at a market in Nakhon Pathom province and had smuggled his home into Myanmar. Using the channel of the Pass of the Three Pagodas But unable to pass the control Due to the presence of agents monitoring various channels

Therefore, walking back to the Sangkhlaburi market in the evening he brought money to buy alcohol. Until drunk and leave the market aimlessly Because without acquaintances and drunkenness Before falling asleep unconscious in the arch of Wat Somdej until someone met

The nursing staff took the temperature and found that the temperature was normal and there was no fever. Sangkhlaburi Police Station Temporarily Continue moving back to the country of origin
