Thai students protest the military

The army’s grip on society goes back generations in Thailand, where coups are almost as likely as elections to shape politics. The school capsule rule, for example, was introduced in 1972, when the country was led by an American-backed field marshal.

“In the intent of the military government, the ideal student, like the citizen, should be passively engaged,” said Giuseppe Bolotta, an assistant professor of anthropology research at Durham University in Britain studying Thailand. The goal, he said, was for the youth to “show absolute loyalty and obedience and be willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and its tutial gods: monarchy, Buddhism and the army.”

Even today, violations, such as wearing socks that cut to ecru or egg white instead of just white, can earn students a caning, despite a ban on corporal punishment in schools. And army protection remains a fact of life for young men.

“The values ​​of the army are unquestionable and commands to be followed collectively,” said Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal, president of the Union for Political Science Students at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. “This is imposed on Thai schools, where teachers say we should be careful. Because it has taken so long, we think this is normal, that the government should also be followed. ”

In May, following protests from Mr Netiwit, Mrs Benjamaporn and others, the Ministry of Education relaxed the rules on student capsules. While perms and dye hair are still taboo, individual schools can now decide on the coiffures of their loads. But many schools, especially in rural areas, have adhered to the old traditions.