Tesla’s master plan for world domination: how it works, what’s next

  • Tesla is rapidly growing its global manufacturing footprint.
  • The company operates factories in California, Nevada, New York, and China.
  • A new plant is being built in Germany, and Tesla has just announced that another factory will be built near Austin, Texas.
  • In just a few years, Tesla has become a global manufacturing giant, supporting its goal of becoming the largest provider of sustainable energy and transportation.
  • Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories.

I remember a time when Tesla barely made cars. That was in 2010, when he had just taken over a former GM-Toyota plant near San Francisco. The only car for sale was the original Roadster, and only a few thousand had hit the road.

Fast forward to 2019, and Tesla had sold 250,000 vehicles in a single year, aiming to double that total in no time.

The company’s growth is accelerating, but to meet the demand for new and existing products, and to reach global markets more directly and at lower cost, it is rapidly expanding its manufacturing capacity. Four factories could be six in two years, as plants in Germany and Texas go online.

The scale provided by this expansion could allow Tesla to be more profitable. But it could also increase the company’s huge advantage over its EV competition.

Here’s a closer look at how all of these factories fit into the blueprint, which goes beyond automobiles: